1-9 in one suit plus NEWS plus any Wind (making for one paired Wind).
(Also called:
News Hand, News Line-up)
1-9 in one suit plus a Pong of any Dragon plus any other 2 tiles from the same suit
(making for two paired tiles in the suit). Here it's shown as it might look in the hand.
1-7 in one suit plus NEWS plus one of each Dragon.
1-9 in one suit plus a pair of Dragons and a Pong of Winds (or a pair of Winds and a Pong of Dragons).
1-9 in one suit plus five single Dragons and Winds in any combination (must not be any pairs).
Shown above as it might look in the hand.
1-9 in one suit plus a Pong and a pair in the same suit (effectively making for a Kong and a Pong
in the grouping). Shown above organized as a run, a Pong (also called a "pung"), and a pair.
Run, Pung and a Pair as it might look in the hand.